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The State Council Conducts a Survey in NEFU On the Curriculu

一起文库网   来源: 东北林业大学  2024-04-08     

The State Council Conducts a Survey in NEFU On the Curriculum Construction of the First-level Discipline Forestry Engineering
On the afternoon of Dec. 6th, Prof. Wang Fei from Nanjing Forestry University came to NEFU as the Director of the panel of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council for surveys and held a meeting for the curriculum construction of the first-level discipline of forestry engineering in the No. 8 Meeting Room of the Comprehensive Office Building. Academician Li Jian, President Yang Chuanping, and relevant department heads, teachers, and students attended the meeting, which was chaired by Zou Hongfei, the Executive Vice-President of the Graduate School.
On behalf of NEFU, President Yang Chuanping welcomed the arrival of the experts of the evaluation group and introduced the general condition of discipline construction in our university. He indicated that the arrangement of curriculum is an important issue in the development of graduate education, and curriculum cannot be ignored if we want to improve the quality of graduate education. Our university has done a lot of work in many aspects such as clarifying the orientation of the curriculum system, perfecting curriculum review, course selection, postgraduate assessment, and the incentive mechanisms of instructor evaluations, etc., and has achieved remarkable results.
Academician Li Jian talked about the curriculum construction of the forestry engineering discipline of NEFU from his own work experience: construction of the discipline started early, at the founding of our university, and it has a good foundation and excellent academic staff. The construction of the discipline has been greatly supported by peers and has been steadily advancing over the years. We have focused on the talent team construction and graduate education, and we have increased entry and graduation standards, which are greatly supported by the university.
Wang Fei, the Director, illustrated that the purpose for this survey was to sort and sum up the problems during graduate education in order to further improve the teaching quality of graduate courses. He believed that the survey was both work communication and friendship promotion.
A panel discussion was carried out and both the teachers and students of related disciplines delivered speeches from the aspects of the overall condition of graduate education and curriculum construction, the self-evaluation of the degree conferring work, and the status quo and developing trends of forestry engineering disciplines.

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