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Research and Teaching Practice Bases being Co-built by Beiji

一起文库网   来源: 东北林业大学  2024-04-08     

Research and Teaching Practice Bases being Co-built by Beijing Zoo and NEFU
On December 23rd, chief accountant Wu Haiquan, dean of College of Wildlife Resources Zhang Minghai, and the deputy director of the Department of Academic Affairs Li Mingze were invited to participate in the Beijing Zoo Science and Technology Conference and jointly inaugurated the research and teaching practice base, the graduate student practice teaching base, and the college student employment practice base.
The Beijing Zoo Science and Technology Conference was sponsored by the China Zoo Association, and co-organized by the Beijing Zoo. The main leaders participating in the conference included the vice president of the Chinese Zoological Association Zheng Guangda, the deputy secretary general of China Wildlife Conservation Association Guo Lixin, the chief engineer of Beijing Park Management Center Li Weimin, the director of Beijing Zoo Li Xiaoguang and other directors of the zoos in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.
The conference was held in the lecture hall of the Science Museum of the Beijing Zoo, and the chief accountant of NEFU, Wu Haiquan, delivered a speech to congratulate the successful opening of the conference. Mr. Wu introduced the achievements NEFU had made in research and teaching of wildlife conservation and management, hoping to build this base as an opportunity to promote the cooperation in talent cultivation, laboratory construction, project application, and scientific research exploration, benefiting all parties involved.
The Beijing Zoo was founded in 1906, and it has earned several world records during the past century. It is also the birthplace of the modern zoo, botanical garden, and museums in China. The establishment of the above-mentioned bases by the College of Wildlife Resources NEFU and the Beijing Zoo will promote the cultivation of innovative professionals, enhance the core competitiveness of scientific research and innovation, and enhance the social service function of colleges and universities. 

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