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一起文库网   来源: 英语试题参考答案  2024-04-08     

卷I (选择题,共80分)
1-5 BACAC 6-10 ACBAB 11-15 BCABA 16-20 BCCBC
21-25 ACBCA 26-30 BCDBC 31-35 ACADB 36-40 DCABC
41-45 CACDA 46-50 BCDAB 51-55 BDBCA 56-60 ABDCA
61-65 BBADC
VIII.  66. interesting 67. newest 68. ages 69. weekends 70. call / ring / phone
IX.71. rude / impolite / not polite
72. Because I don’t want to keep myself away from the group.
73. Closing doors or losing opportunities.
/ Sometimes, saying “no” means closing doors or losing opportunities.
74. There are some common reasons why people find it hard to say “no”.
75. 当你拒绝他时,他可能会生气。
X.76. activities 77. walk 78. choice 79. playing 80. properly
XI.A) 81. Have you seen giraffes?
82. They are the tallest animals.
83. They are friendly to people.  http://www.17xuexiba.com/
84. They usually eat green leaves.
85. Can they make friends with me?
B) 86. One possible version:
Hello, everyone! My name is Li Ming. I think having a brother or a sister is pretty good. First, if I have a brother, I can have a friend to play with. I won’t feel lonely. I can share my happiness with him and also tell him my trouble. Second, being an elder brother, I will have some pressure. And I will make myself excellent to be an example of my brother. I will be better than before. Third, we can take care of my parents together when they are old. We can look after each other as well. So I want to have a younger brother. I think he will make my life more wonderful.
Hello, everyone! My name is Wang Mei. I don’t think having a brother or a sister is a pretty good. First, if I have a brother, he will play with my toys. He is very young. He will be too careless to break them. I will be very sad. Second, my parents will look after him more often. They can’t have enough time to care about me and my studies. Third, I must spend my time taking care of him when my parents are out. I can’t do anything I like to do. In a word, I don’t want to have a brother. I want to be the only child at my home.

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