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一起文库网   来源: 绵阳三诊  2024-04-08     

第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1-5 ACABC    
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6-10 BACAB   11-15 CAACB  16-20 BCABC
21-25 DBDCC   26-30 BDBBA   31-35 DCCDA
36-40 CBAGE
第三部分 英语知识运用(共二节,满分45分)
第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
41-45 BCBDA   46-50 DCACA  51-55 BDACB    56-60 DCADB
61. improvement     62. which      63. while      64. did      65. freely            66. It   67. Thirdly           68. to buy       69. relaxed       70. travel(l)ing
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
Recently I discussed with my parents that whether teenagers should go out with friends on 
 weekends. My parent's think that teenagers should go over lessons at home, but help them do 
parents                                            or
housework. The rest of∧time we should have a good sleep. As a teenager, I think that's not enough. 
On weekends, I like to go out with the nature. Play with my classmates or friends can make me 
                         to          Playing
happy. In addition, to we must go to the Science and Technology Hall to improve our knowledge, 
or do some sports to build up our strengths. A enriched after-school life make one a clever boy!
                       strength  An                    makes
第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
One possible version
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am a regular customer of your bookshop. Generally I am quite satisfied with what I’ve got from you, but what happened last week changed all that. I bought two books from you last week, but after I unwrapped the parcel I found that one of them is in terribly poor condition. The front cover is torn, some of the pages are missing and the print in many places are not clear. 
I’ve been longing to read the book and don’t want to give it up easily. So I’d like you to replace it with a new one. Also I want you to pay for the shipping of the broken one if you want to take it back.
Li Hua
档 次 给分范围 语言及要点要求
第五档 21~25 要点齐全,语言基本无误,行文连贯,表达清楚
第四档 16~20 包含绝大部分要点,语言有少量错误,行文基本连贯,表达基本清楚
第三档 11~15 包含多数要点,语言有一些错误,尚能表达
第二档 6~10 只涉及少数要点,语言错误很多,影响表达
第一档 0~5 只能写出与要求内容有关的一些单词
1、其表达未能达成正确句意的,不给分, 如:写出了主语或谓语等关键词,但未能达成符合要点要求、意义正确的句子。
第一部分 听力
Text one 
W: Do you like playing tennis?
M: Yeah. Tennis is my favorite sport.  
W: Oh, really? I seldom play Tennis. Sometimes I play badminton. But I like basketball best.
Text two 
W: What should we get for Jack’s birthday?
M: How about a basketball?
W: You know he hates doing exercise.
M: Then I guess we can buy him a guitar.
Text three   www.17xuexiba.com
W: Excuse me, I am looking for a book called Little Women, but I can’t find it anywhere.
M: Let me see. I am sorry we have just sold it out.
Text four  
M: Hey, Kate! Can you come to my birthday party next weekend?
W: I’d love to go, but my grandparents are coming over next Saturday, and I think it’s best that I stay at home to be with them.
Text five 
M: So , how are you adjusting to your new neighborhood?
W: It’s very quiet and pleasant. It is a bit of a challenge meeting people, though.
M: Why don’t you join a neighborhood social club? We did that when we first moved into our town.
W: I am thinking about having a trip to Spain. Since you have travelled there before, would you please answer me some questions?
M: Ok, no problem. 
W: So, when is the best time to visit Spain? 
M: You will enjoy your trip very much whether it is in spring or summer. But the best months to travel to Spain are June and July.
W: Then, should I go there by train or by plane? Which is better?
M: Getting a train to Spain is more convenient, more comfortable and more relaxing. In Spain, train travel is rapidly growing in popularity because of its speed improving. 
W: Well, I got it. Thanks.
Text 7 
M: Which is your best holiday, Lucy?
W: Well, it was my trip in Tibet. We went there 5 years ago, doing some walking in the mountains.
M: How long did you stay there?
W: 10 days.
M: 10 days! That's a long time. How far did you walk every day?
W: Perhaps 15 kilometers. We have to climb up and down a lot every day.
M: So, it was very hard.
W: Yes, very hard. Though we have modern equipment with us, sometimes, it's difficult to walk in the mountains where the air is very thin, and you have a lot of problems when breathing.
M: What was the best thing about the trip?
W: The walking and the exercise. The air is very clean and it's very quiet. Tibet is a good place. You must go!
Text 8  
W: Hello, Jim. I didn’t see you for a long time. I heard that you changed your job last month. How do you like your new company?
M: Oh, I love it so far. It’s a great place to work, and they do a lot of good things.
W: Like what?
M: Well, every month, a group of employees get together and clean up garbage and litter from the city streets, parks, and public places.
W: Hey, what a great idea! What’s your work schedule like?
M: Oh, it’s nice. I am not as busy as I was at my last job. I don’t need to work overtime. The   company encourages the employees to balance work and family life.
W: That sounds great. So, uh, do you think your company will have a job opening for me?
Text 9 
W: Good morning! Farming Chemicals. How can I help you?
M: Good morning! I'd like to speak to Mr. Smith, please.
W: I'm sorry he is not in at the moment. Can I take a message?
M: OK. My name is Tom Green. I'm phoning from London Travel Agency about Mr. Smith's trip to Australia. He's booked on Flight NO. BA1369 to Sydney on May 4th. The flight leaves from Gate 3. Oh, no. Sorry, it leaves from Gate 1 at 10:30am.
W: Hmm, at 10:30am.
M: But he must be there at least two hours earlier to check in.
W: And how will he get his tickets?
M: Oh, we'll send them around this afternoon. 
W: OK. I will make sure he gets your message.
M: Thank you. Goodbye.
W: Goodbye.
Text 10 
     Good morning, everybody. Thank you for inviting me to your writing class. I’m Henry Stone, a writer from New York. Today, I would like to share with you my writing experiences. I always like watching people passing by and start my imagination, especially while waiting for my flights at the airport. For example, the other day I saw a couple. They were buying magazines at that moment. They were not wearing business clothes, but the man was carrying a suitcase. Every few seconds, the woman looked around. I wondered someone was following them. Perhaps they were running away. This reminded me of a story in the newspaper that day: a banker stole one million pounds a week before and disappeared with his wife; there was a picture of them in the paper. The couple really looked like the thieves. Maybe I should stop them. Just then, I saw them say goodbye to each other. And the woman walked away. Well, sometimes I make mistakes like that, but I find things like that very useful for my writing.

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