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麦当娜Madonna – Borrowed Time英文歌词

一起文库网   来源: 英文歌词  2024-04-08     

Do we need to start a war
Do we need to take a side
If we open up our eyes
Realise that we are blind
Is it all worth fighting for
It all comes down to
Who's wrong or right
Who's black or white
It doesn't matter what you're bleeding for
Straight or bi
Your God or mine
It doesn't matter underneath it all
‘cause we're only here to love
Like there's no tomorrow
So let's live each moment like
Our time is only borrowed
Do we need to build a bomb
Do we need to fire a gun
If you have to stand your ground
It's a war that can't be won
Is it all worth dying for
It all comes down to
Who's rich or poor
Virgin or whore
It doesn't matter 麦当娜Madonna – Borrowed Time 歌词Lyricswhat you're praying for
Death or life
Your truth or mine
It doesn't matter underneath it all
‘cause we're only here to love
Like there's no tomorrow
So let's live each moment like
Our time is only borrowed
麦当娜Madonna – Borrowed Time英文歌词

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