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贾斯汀·比伯Justin Bieber I'll Show You英文歌词

一起文库网   来源: 贾斯汀·比伯 英文歌词  2024-04-08     

Bieber shows us his soft, vulnerable side in this track, the second off his fourth album Purpose. It was released on November 1, 2015 as the third song to pre-order from the album.
The song is likely a response to the highly visible mistakes he made over the course of his carrer up to this point.
With this new track, Justin wants to show everyone how he’s changed. Although he made mistakes, they were magnified by the fact that his every move has been at the center of the public eye since he was 14. With “I’ll Show You,” he explains that he never got the chance, like most teenagers, to mature outside the spotlight.
The video was shot in Iceland and was directed by Rory Kramer.
[Produced by Skrillex]
[Verse 1]
My life is a movie and everyone's watching
So let's get to the good part and past all the nonsense
Sometimes it's hard to do the right thing
When the pressure's coming down like lightning
It's like they want me to be perfect
When they don't even know that I'm hurting
Cause life's not easy, I'm not made out of steel
Don't forget that I'm human, don't forget that I'm real
Act like you know me, but you never will
There's one thing that I know for sure
I'll show you
I'll show you
I'll show you
I'll show you
[Verse 2]
I've got to learn things, learn them the hard way
Got to see what it feels like, no matter what they say
Sometimes it's hard to do the right thing
When the pressure's coming down like lightning
It's like they want me to be perfect
When they don't even know that I'm hurting
Cause life's not easy, I'm not made out of steel
Don't forget that I'm human, don't forget that I'm real
Act like you know me, but you never will
There's one thing that I know for sure
I'll show you
I'll show you
I'll show you
I'll show you
Cause life's not easy, I'm not made out of steel
Don't forget that I'm human, don't forget that I'm real
Act like you know me, but you never will
There's one thing that I know for sure
[Outro: Acoustic]
I'll show you
I'll show you

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