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一起文库网   来源: 北京化工大学  2024-04-08     

The department of information engineering has three undergraduate majors: electronic information engineering, communications engineering, and electronic information science and technology. It also recruits graduate students in the major of computer application technology, focusing mainly on treatment of modern signals and information. The department has a qualified faculty, 80% of which has a doctor degree. It accommodates a number of laboratories, including information safety research center, signal and system laboratory, information processing laboratory, communication laboratory, and modern digital technology laboratory. They provide a strong support to teaching, student cultivation and scientific research.
The department of information engineering has made great progress in student cultivation, subject construction, and scientific research via "211 project" in recent years. It has carried out more than 20 projects, such as national "863" projects, Sinopec and SNPC projects, and enterprise problem-tackling projects, etc. A textbook has been graded as Beijing excellent teaching material. More than 180 scientific papers have been published.
The department of information engineering has strengthened its international communication and cooperation with universities and research organizations from US, Japan, and Australia, etc.

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